Side event
Estimated reading time 1 min

Boost growth in product manufacturing: why you should sell outcomes instead of products (product-as-a-service model)

CEOs and industrial leaders who are driving growth strategies in product manufacturing.


The event is addressed to CEOs and industrial leaders who are driving growth strategies in product manufacturing. Through inspiring case examples and small group discussions we will share experiences about the productasaservice business model as a driver for growth. You are warmly welcome to join the event to learn from others and share your own experiences about this transformation that is already disrupting today’s industrial markets. NOTE: This event is held in Finnish.

*Part of “Circular Forerunners”– a group of WCEF2019 side events focusing on business and financing.

Kasvuryhmä (Growth Collective Finland) 

Elina Jaakkola, Impact LeaderKasvuryhmä (Growth Collective Finland), +358 40570 5051 

Date and time
Wednesday 5 June: 14.00-16.00 

Klaus K Hotel, Rake-sali, address: Bulevardi 2-4, Helsinki 

Maximum number of participants: 80

How to register:

Deadline for registration: 22 May 2019

More information about the event:

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