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Business Collaboration and Innovation in the Circular Economy – Bilateral Event Norway–Finland


Circular Norway, The Norwegian Embassy and Innovation Norway are pleased to invite you to our WCEF2019 side event. The event is open to Norwegian and Finnish participants and focuses on circular business models mainly within the food and textile industries. Both Norwegian and Finnish companies will share their experiences and best practices of making the transition to a circular economy. There will also be a session for discussing and exploring learning points from the WCEF2019.

Circular Norway, The Norwegian Embassy and Innovation Norway


Anna Salmensaari, Station Manager Helsinki, Innovation Norway,, tel. +358 (0)20755 1212 

Vilhelm Wahlström, Advisor Norwegian Embassy,, tel. +358 (0)9 6860 1812 

Date and time
Wednesday 5 June:09.00-14.00

Norwegian Embassy, Rehbinderintie 17, 00150, Helsinki

How to register: RSVP via mail to

Deadline for registration: 22 May 2019

More information about the event:

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