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Call for World Circular Economy Forum 2017 marketplace hosts


Heikki Sorasahi


The marketplace of World Circular Economy Forum 2017 brings into the spotlight selected circular economy solutions around the world. Does your organisation want to be one of the few chosen hosts at the marketplace? It is free of charge, if you are selected.

We welcome both small and large actors, companies and other organisations as well as consortiums to apply for WCEF 2017 marketplace host.

Apply to be a World Circular Economy Forum 2017 Marketplace host

Criteria for applying

What matters the most in the selection are the circular economy solutions – the ones that inspire the world towards the circular economy and therefore deserve their spotlight at the WCEF 2017 Marketplace. We welcome both small and large actors, companies and other organisations as well as consortiums to apply. In the selection, we value the following: geographical variety (we seek solutions around the globe), cooperation (single stand can be hosted by multiple organisations at the same time) and different perspectives to the circular economy (e.g. product life extension, product as a service, sharing platforms, resource efficiency, bio-based products and renewable energy, recycling and recovery of products and materials).

The applicant must commit to be actively present at the marketplace during the entire duration of your time as a marketplace host. No trading, commerce or sales activities is allowed at the marketplace.

Marketplace characteristics

The marketplace will consist of a selection of around 20 stands. The marketplace stand is free of charge for the selected hosts. Stand host will however cover its own travel expenses. Each stand will be equipped with a table and an iPad. Please note that WCEF 2017 is organised according to circular economy principles – do not bring future waste to the stands.

Application schedule

We have extended the application period. Apply by completing and signing the pdf-form and sending it to wcef2017(at) by 31 January 2017, 23.00 CET. The selection of the hosts will be carried out during February 2017. All applicants will be informed about the results.

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