Estimated reading time 2 min
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The circular economy and planetary boundaries

opportunities and challenges for enhancing human well-being, the protection of nature and scaling up green markets


This side event explores the links between the circular economy and the planetary boundaries, including the drivers of biodiversity loss. It highlights the recent results of the IPBES Global Assessment report and the safe operating space within planetary boundaries for ensuring that circular economy activities do not cause adverse impacts on nature and people. It also examines the current knowledge and rate of implementation of the biodiversity commitments, the use of economic instruments to support biodiversity conservation and sustainable use (i.e. the positive incentives under Aichi Target 3) and the link to sustainable development, including environmental safeguards for operating in harmony with nature and reducing human impacts on species and ecosystems.  

In addition to government drivenpolicies, new opportunities lie in the harmonisation and use of ecolabelling schemes, monitoring and stakeholder participation and promoting business and biodiversity (B&B) practices. 

You can read more on the planetary boundaries including the drivers of biodiversity loss from this publication.

See the detailed programme

Ministry of the Environment of Finland and the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) 

Marina von Weissenberg, Senior Ministerial Adviser,, +358 29 5250 321

Date and time: Monday 3 June: 14.30-16.00

Venue: Veranda 2, Finlandia Hall

How to register:
Please note that all side sessions are exclusively for WCEF2019 participants.

Deadline for registration: 30 May 2019

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