Estimated reading time 1 min
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Climate crisis is here. Can the EU’s sustainable finance regulation make a difference?

Investors, corporates issuing green bonds, anyone interested in sustainable finance and its progress


This side event explores the sustainabilityrelated disclosure regulation for the financial services sector through keynotes and two panel discussions with a wide range of experts representing key stakeholders from the private and public sectors. What regulations are planned and will they achieve the intended consequences? 


Keynote: Sirpa Pietikäinen, Member of the European Parliament
Panel 1: Sustainable finance regulation: force for good or added costs? 

Keynote: EU green bond standards: Aila Aho, Nordea 

Panel 2: Green bonds: benefits and pitfalls of marketdriven innovation

Finsif and CFA Society Finland 

Leila Räsänen, coordinator, 

Date and time
Monday 3 June: 8.15-11.45 

Klubi restaurantMusiikkitalo, Kansalaistori 2G, Helsinki 

How to register:

Deadline for registration: 22 May 2019

More information about the event:

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