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Turning ideas into practical experiments


Hannele Laaksolahti

Senior Lead, Innovations

Kalle Nieminen

Director, Innovations


Sitra’s Forum for New Security sent out an open call for ideas on solutions for building new security. From among 150 or so proposals, the Forum has now selected 11 ideas to be tested in practical experiments. Shaping these ideas for practical testing will also entail their further development and specification according to need, in order to identify a suitable implementation method.

1 Service design for the public administration

The idea is to apply service design and user-oriented design to public administration undertaken within central government. The overall aim is to investigate the ability of a novel approach to solve new security challenges.

2 Finland to lead the way in cyber security

The idea is to increase understanding of Finland’s opportunities regarding cyber security. Based on those opportunities, a closer look will be given to issues such as the composition of a possible cyber strategy for Finland and the identity of a future director of cyber security. The practical trial is aimed at stimulating public debate and establishing a common vision.

3 Cyber security training package

The idea is to increase citizens’ knowledge and skills related to cyber security, through a training package. The trial seeks answers to the following questions: what should the training package contain, who will assemble it, and how and where should it be implemented? The target group for the trial comprises students aged between 16 and 19.

4 Are you in? / Library’s senior volunteers

The idea here is to test ways of enhancing the feeling of safety among children and young people, and to make them feel that someone is listening and cares about their ideas and opinions. The intention behind this is to bring together people from different generations and cultural backgrounds, in order to create a sense of community and to counter prejudices.

5 Urban activity centre

This idea is based on Copenhagen’s Street Mekka, an urban activity centre open 24/7 and designed for young people, bearing their interests and needs in mind. The practical trial involves testing the concept through a model activity centre and aims to determine whether a similar facility is needed in Finland, and who should be responsible for providing it.

6 Letting go of fear

The notion underlying this idea involves finding a way to build a security market brand based on positive images.

7 Youth of the world

The idea is to increase the participation of young people in municipal decision-making, through budget allocations that encourage participation. During the trial, young people will get to participate in decision-making activities as members of multicultural groups.

8 Personal security application

This idea originates in an application that gathers information from general future scenarios, to assist in building an individual future path.

9 Ultimate emergency communication network

This idea is a combination of three solutions proposed in response to the call for ideas: Kainuu’s civilian emergency communication system project, Crisis communication network for rural communities, and Auxiliary communications system /Organisation. This idea seeks to solve problems related to securing the functionality of communication networks and systems in Finland, under all circumstances and conditions.

10 Future food production

Behind this idea lie questions on what kind of food we will be eating in the future, where this food will be grown and produced, and what a resilient food supply chain will be like.

11 Happy housing companies /Safety of housing companies

This idea is based on providing people with better opportunities to participate in the development of their living environments. The aim is to bring together people of all ages and to enhance community spirit between people living in the same neighbourhood. People feel more secure when they get to know each other better and are more committed to achieving joint goals set for the community.

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