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The circular economy is integrated into Finland’s country brand

Business Finland and Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs integrate the circular economy into Finland’s country brand to boost the exports of Finnish circular economy solutions.



There are several advanced circular economy companies operating in Finland that have a great opportunity to succeed in the international markets. Finland also has strong circular economy competence that is needed for solving global crises. Even though Finland is one of the forerunners in the circular economy, it does not yet show in Finland’s country brand.


Business Finland and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will support the internationalisation of Finnish companies and Finland’s country brand as one of the forerunners in the circular economy by means of marketing and communications measures.

Business Finland will support the internationalisation of both individual companies and ecosystems consisting of groups of companies. Assistance will be provided to help companies grow in existing or new market areas, win foreign investment for accelerating their growth, build the companies’ competences and promote their innovation activities. Furthermore, public-sector operators will be provided with information on the strengths of Finnish circular economy solutions.

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