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Regional circular economy trials provide references for enterprises

City of Espoo and the companies participating in the development of the Kera area test many kinds of circular economy solutions during the development of cities and regions, which can provide enterprises with useful references to support their internationalisation efforts, for example.



The export of products and services compliant with the circular economy to global markets will become easier if they first gain references from the home market. At the same time, any circular economy solutions being tested in the home market support sustainable regional development.


The construction of Kera in Espoo in the 2010s and 2020s enables extensive circular economy trials and new solutions, as well as the application of the operating models used there in other areas. The City of Espoo and several companies are developing the area of Kera into a model example of smart and sustainable urban construction.

The development projects for Kera include regional 5G network technology and a digital service platform where the new circular economy solutions will be connected. This enables major new digital-based development activity in the area, while it is being constructed and used. The companies participating in the development of the area will use the solutions they implement in Kera as circular economy references in their later projects.

In addition, Hiedanranta of Tampere will serve as a testing area for intelligent and low-emission housing and mobility solutions.

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