2nd VALO EHDS2 Competence Forum
Invitation only

2nd VALO EHDS2 Competence Forum

A second Nordic Competence Forum preparing for the implementation of the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) will take place in Copenhagen in February. 

The second Nordic EHDS2 Competence Forum will facilitate knowledge exchange and coordination among Nordic countries to prepare for implementing the European Health Data Space (EHDS). The forum focuses on the secondary use of health data for research, innovation and policymaking and is designed for representatives from relevant ministries and authorities. 


The EHDS regulation will soon enter into force, requiring member states to prepare for the secondary use of health data. This includes establishing a national health data access body (HDAB), a national contact point (NCP) and potentially updating organisational infrastructure and national legislation. There are significant challenges associated with this endeavour. 

This forum is the first Nordic cooperation dedicated to actively preparing for the EHDS regulation specifically regarding secondary use. The forum’s main objectives are to foster collaboration among authorities responsible for EHDS2 implementation and to support the harmonisation of EHDS implementation across the Nordic region. It offers Nordic countries, along with Baltic partners as observers, the opportunity to share valuable information and best practices about national implementation. 

For whom? 

Participation is by invitation only. The Nordic EHDS2 Competence Forum is aimed at experts of Ministries of Health and other relevant ministries working with EHDS and the secondary use of health data, governmental authorities and agencies that already have, or may in the future have, the functions and responsibilities of an HDAB, and other relevant authorities, such as data protection authorities. 


The forum will be a full-day conference and workshop, taking place from 9:30 to 16:30 CEST on 25 February 2025. 


The forum will be held at Nordens Hus, Ved Stranden 18, Copenhagen, Denmark. While primarily a face-to-face meeting, an option for online participation will also be offered.  



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