Beyond WCEF2017: The European Union advancing a global circular economy

Beyond WCEF2017: The European Union advancing a global circular economy

The European Union can take advantage of its circular economy leadership to support the building of global security and resilience, as global use of natural resources already exceeds the carrying capacity of our planet. The circular economy offers an avenue to a new kind of economic growth while preserving our environment and natural resources.

With the EU action plan for the Circular Economy published in December 2015, the European Union aims to develop a sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient and competitive economy by transitioning towards a more circular economy. In a modern digital global economy where goods and services easily cross national borders, circularity must be embraced globally to achieve a sustainable future for our planet.

The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra invites you to a seminar discussing the opportunities and the future of circular economy, focusing on how to make the transition towards a circular economy not only across Europe, but across the planet, with actions based on scientific evidence.

The seminar builds on the World Circular Economy Forum 2017 (WCEF2017) held in Helsinki last June. The event, organised by Sitra and its international partners, gathered over 1,600 circular economy experts from almost 100 countries.

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