Sitra, the City of Tampere’s ECO2 Program and the US Embassy are hosting a presentation on green building and urban sustainability by US expert William Reed of Integrative Designs and Sitra energy expert Dr. Johanna Kirkinen.
On Thursday November 9 14:00-16:00 at Tampere University of Technology
Please join us for discussions on innovative approaches to urban and building sustainability.
This event is open to the public. Please see details in the attachment (in Finnish). Information can also be found on the US Embassy website and Facebook.
More information William Reed, President of Integrative Design Collaborative Bill Reed is an internationally recognized proponent and practitioner in sustainability and regeneration, and a principal in three firms, the Integrative Design Collaborative, Regenesis, Inc., and Delving Deeper – green building consulting, living system design, and education organizations working to lift building and community planning into full integration and co-evolution with living systems. His work centers on creating the framework for and managing an integrative, whole-systems design process. The objective: to improve the overall quality of the physical, social and spiritual life of our living places and therefore the planet.
Dr. Johanna Kirkinen, Sitra Energy and Climate Change Lead
Johanna Kirkinen on tekniikan tohtori ja Sitran Energiaohjelman asiantuntija. Hänen vastuualueenaan on energiaja ilmastonmuutos. Sitra on ollut mukana tuottamassa äskettäin julkistettua Energiaviisaan rakennetun ympäristön aika 2017 -ohjelmaa, joka toteutuessaan merkitsee suurta hyppäystä kohti energiatehokasta yhteiskuntaa.