IHAN® technical workshop I

IHAN® technical workshop I

We are calling you, expert in information systems, technical architecture, information security or other expertise related to data exchange, to join the crew!

Identity in the IHAN world

The first IHAN workshop will be concentrating on identity and how it should be implemented in IHAN. Identity management itself is not in the core of IHAN but IHAN solutions cannot be credible without a link to a trustworthy identity management solution or infrastructure.  This workshop is mainly targeted to technical developers who intend to be part of IHAN technical development community.

In the workshop the goal is to create the first version of IHAN_Identifier’s behavior. According to the IHAN Blueprint IHAN_Identifier is “…a unique number that is a combination of identities of a person (or an individual) and a data set …” but that is only the what and not the how.

The workshop will concentrate on following topics

  • identity management in general
  • identity in the IHAN world
  • the IHAN_Identifier life cycle
  • possible governance model

The questions to be answered are:

  • how to generate identifiers?
  • how should the uniqueness be managed?
  • are there existing technical solutions already?
  • what entities should be managed in addition to data – service providers, data providers?

There will be presentations guiding us to identity management and pre-workshop tasks to be completed before the workshop – to get in to full speed from the beginning.

More information:

What is IHAN?

Article: Let’s develop IHAN technical requirements together!

The IHAN Blueprint


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