TEHDAS, the joint action Towards the European Health Data Space, advances more extensive use of health data across Europe. The project supports the European Commission’s aim in creating a harmonised internal market for health data. Our work provides elements to the European Commission’s forthcoming legislative proposal on the Health Data Space.
Connecting and engaging European stakeholders is a priority for TEHDAS. To continue the pan-European discussion, we gathered stakeholders from academia, business, public sector and NGOs to the Stakeholder forum on 27 October 2021.
The programme included discussions and case examples on the use of health data for policy-making, research, innovation and business. We focused on the European co-operation in digital health and outlined concrete steps to move forward with more extensive use of health data in Europe. The role of individuals in sharing their health data was also addressed.
The digital event was free of charge.
Read the news item about the event. The recording of the forum is available until 11 November 2021.