Monitoring developments in the data economy
Monitoring and forecasting the development of the data economy requires up-to-date information to support decision-making and planning. The monitoring tool provides information on the development of the data economy in Finland and as part of international developments. The material is freely available and can be adapted for different purposes.
What is it about?
Check out the Data Economy Monitoring Tool (available in Finnish), which provides information on the progress of the data economy in Finland and in relation to developments in the European Union.
Have you ever wanted to know how much AI is already being used in Finland? Or are there enough data scientists in Finland? How is the value of Finland’s data economy evolving? Check out the answers to these questions and more.

Click here to use the Data Economy Monitoring Tool (in Finnish)! You are free to use, download and further develop the report, its graphs and raw data.
The Data Economy Monitoring Tool provides up-to-date information on data economy trends in key areas. These areas and their development needs have been identified in the work on the roadmap’s Data Economy Will to Act.
The monitoring tool has compiled descriptors from open data sources. The information has been described in the report (Power BI) with quantitative and qualitative indicators, graphs and verbal descriptions. The monitoring tool is currently available in Finnish only.
You are free to use, download and further develop the report, its graphs and raw data.
For each indicator, the source, date of publication and other relevant background information is given to help you evaluate the data. We have also identified useful topics on which we need information but for which data is not yet available.

Which data economy trends are worth watching right now? We have summarised the key highlights.
For whom?
The Data Economy Monitoring page provides general information on the data economy for businesses, public sector actors and experts, as well as anyone interested in understanding data-driven societal developments. The material can be useful, for example, for educational purposes or journalistic work. It is also intended to support the development of national strategies and programmes on aspects of the data economy by allowing monitoring of progress and developing measurement.
The situational picture can be useful for data economy professionals who need information to develop and plan data-driven activities, whether they are business development managers, government experts or policy planners.
The tool aims to support organisations in their development work by providing evidence-based metrics, benchmarking data and qualitative descriptions of the data economy. You can make use of the data content, for example by combining raw data or indicators with company-specific data in your own data and reporting tools.
How was the monitoring tool developed?
The Data Economy Monitoring Tool has been developed with data economy experts from different sectors. In particular, the Finnish Digital Compass, Finland’s national strategic roadmap for digitalisation and the data economy have been used to find the right indicators. Statistical experts have also helped us to understand the use of data sources.
The content, user experience and purpose of the tool have been tested with different user groups.
How often is the monitoring tool updated?
The monitoring tool will be updated and further developed until summer 2025. The indicators in the tool will be updated roughly every quarter or as data sources are updated. The monitoring tool will be further developed to meet the needs of different user groups and to provide an up-to-date, comparable view of data economy trends.
Please send us your ideas and feedback to help us further develop the tool to better serve data economy developers and stakeholders. You can also tip us off about useful data sources!