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Sitra has been appointed to lead a project of 29 European countries to boost the use of health data

The European Union is working to facilitate the secure cross-border use of health data to develop new treatments and medicines. The preparatory work for the European health data space has been led by Sitra. Member states chose Sitra on 12 October 2023 to also coordinate further work in the EU.


Maria Nurmi

Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes


The new project supports the European health data space (EHDS), where data would be securely available on demand for both research and patient care, wherever they are in Europe.

The foundations for the pan-European use of health data were laid by the TEHDAS joint action, which was also led by Sitra. The selection was made by the countries that signed up to the collaboration.

“I would like to thank the member states for their trust. The fact that Sitra has been chosen again to lead European cooperation is a significant recognition of Sitra’s previous work in Finland and in Europe. It is a privilege to contribute to the development of the health sector in Europe,” says Markus Kalliola, Project Director at Sitra, who led the TEHDAS joint action.

At the request of the European Commission, each member state will nominate an organisation to participate in the project. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland has designated Sitra to participate in the project.

Finland and Sitra have been persistent in promoting the use of health data. Sitra has contributed, for example, to the creation of the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data in Finland.

The joint action under the EU’s fourth health programme (EU4Health) will start in 2024 with the participation of 29 European countries. The joint action’s budget is 6.7 million euros of which 60 per cent is financed by the EU and 40 per cent by the countries.

EU4Health funds and supports cooperation between EU countries and promotes coherent approaches in health.

More information on how to participate in the joint action will be available on the TEHDAS website as the project progresses.

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