This time of uncertainty challenges Finnish society to improve its preparedness for different futures beyond the current level. Climate change and biodiversity loss, an ageing population and the declining birth rate, new challenges to well-being, growing geopolitical tensions and intensifying technological developments make the economy and the future in general increasingly difficult to anticipate.
public debate on the future of economic growth would also benefit from new perspectives and open-minded examination of different developments.
Sitra opens a funding call for reports discussing the future of economic growth from new and even surprising points of view. The call is aimed at finding reports that identify new opportunities and challenges related to economic growth as well as ideas for required solutions.
“There are alternative futures for the economy, but our beliefs contribute to what we regard as possible. To be able to overcome both sudden crises and more long-term challenges, we need new and creative ways of thinking about the future of the economy and its growth,” says Eeva Hellström, Senior Lead in foresight at Sitra.
The details of the funding call have been compiled on the application page, where more specific instructions for applying are also available (in Finnish). Applications must be submitted in Sitra’s electronic service by 12.00 noon on Friday, 31 March 2025. Applications must be submitted in Finnish.
“We hope to receive a large number of applications from different sectors of society from agents who look boldly into the future. The topic can be tackled from very different points of view, such as those of economic development, well-being, the environment, technology or politics. Similarly, economic growth can be discussed at the level of the national economy, regional economy or companies,” says Eeva Hellström.
Registered organisations (legal persons) with a business ID and consortia consisting of such organisations can participate in the funding call. Private individuals cannot participate in this funding call.