
Álvaro García

Director, Planning and Budget Office, Presidency of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Mr Álvaro García has been Director at the Planning and Budget Office of the Presidency of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay since March 2015. Prior to this, he was Special Advisor of the Executive Presidency of CAF for regional finance programs, during which time he created the Latin America Fund for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Credit Securities (“Fondo Latinoamericano de Garantías de Crédito para PYMES”). 

In April 2008, the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay entrusted him with a project for the creation of a National Development Agency, which resulted in a law being passed in 2009. In September 2008 he was appointed Minister of Economy and Public Finance, a position in which he served until March 2010. He served as Representative Director of CAF – Latin America Development Bank in Argentina in 20102012. 

From 2002 to 2005 he worked as Manager for Planning and Control of Administration and Costs of Pirelli Cables, Energy and Telecommunications in Santo André (San Pablo, Brazil). In 2005 he was appointed by the Uruguayan Government to serve as President of the “Corporación Nacional para el Desarrollo” (National Development Corporation), where he organised and led a working team that introduced important changes into the institution. From 1986 to 2002 he worked as the Head of the Accounting Department and as Finance and Administration Manager of CITESA, where he gathered direct knowledge of the economic and social situation of the countries of the Region and was in contact with business actors of the MERCOSUR area and Chile. 

Mr García is a professor at the University of the Republic of Uruguay (UDELAR), at the Catholic University of Montevideo (UCUDAL) and at ORT University. 

Speaking at the following WCEF2019 sessions:

Tuesday 4 June at 9.00-10.30: International trade of circular economy goods and services

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