Brendan Gillespie has worked on environmental issues for 40 years in a wide range of advanced and emerging economies.
He has extensive experience of working with ministers, as well as with senior representatives from business, trade unions and NGOs. He currently works as a consultant in a company he helped set up -Green Solutions Network -, and is a member of a Task Force examining China’s green transition outlook. A recent project involved drafting a report for the OECD for submission to the G7 on policy guidance for resource efficiency. Much of Brendan’s work has been at the interface of economic and environmental policies. This has included negotiating the conclusions and recommendations of about 20 country environmental performance reviews, and leading several OECD programmes such as green growth indicators, water management and eco-innovation.
Brendan Gillespie is moderating the following WCEF2017 sessions:
Tue 6 June at 11.00 : Economic Research on the Circular Economy