Eric Logtens has distinctive experience within concepts for a circular economy.
He began his career as an occupational healthcare therapist and ergonomist and worked simultaneously as a turnaround consultant. He later built an international sub distribution network in the office furniture industry. Eric then focused on C2C and gained in-depth knowledge and experience. He later founded the first Dutch full operational lease company for office furniture, which was seen as one of the very early adopters and a prime model of how to apply and implement the principles of the Circular Economy. Now he is Corporate Director at Noble Environmental Technologies that has developed ECOR (Enabling co-Creativity, co-Operation, co- Responsibility), an environmentally friendly and cradle-to-cradle building material.
Eric Logtens is speaking at the following WCEF2017 sessions:
Mon 5 June at 14.15 : 17 Circular SMEs Meet the 17 SDGs
Tue 6 June at 13.30 : Future Technologies for the Circular Economy