Mika Sulkinoja helps Sitra to plan and intensify its international co-operation in the circular economy and climate fields. His aim is to take Sitra’s experiences onto the international agenda and stimulate the climate debate in Finland. He leads the work on international projects such as the World Circular Economy Forum.
The Kevo Subarctic Research Institute in Utsjoki sparked Mika’s interest in international environmental issues as early as the 1970s and 80s, when he was a young boy. His father led the institute’s operations and Mika always listened with great interest to the researchers’ discussions about acid rain and the shifting of the tree line as a result of climate change. He was already business-minded then: he made and sold ice lollies to the researchers.
Mika has been involved in hands-on climate-related work for some 20 years. He has worked for the United Nations; the Finnish Government climate negotiation team; and a company that seeks growth from the implementation of climate agreements. His work has particularly focused on market-based policy measures and on project and growth funding.
Mika has a master’s in social sciences from the University of Tampere, where he majored in international relations and economics. He has supplemented his education with studies in environmental economy in Berlin and themes related to climate and development at Harvard.
What else?
Mika lives in Lahti, where he moved to so that he could enjoy slightly better winters than in Helsinki. He takes the train to work and a folding bike that goes with him almost everywhere.
In Mika’s opinion, climate change is also a business opportunity, but only for those who are quick to offer solutions.
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