
Sanna-Kaisa Saloranta

Specialist, Programmes

I work as a Specialist in the Democratic Innovations programme, in a team focusing on democracy technologies. The aim of the team is to scale democracy technologies and establish their use in such a way that they will support societal and democratic decision-making effectively.

I have a master’s degree in social sciences and a bachelor’s degree in business management and have several years of experience in work aimed at achieving a wide-ranging change in society. I think that there is untapped potential for decision-making and participatory democracy in the new digital ways of constructive interaction. It is inspiring to see in my daily work how open democracy technologies are modified and used in innovative ways widely across the world.

If your goal is to improve opportunities for an increasing number of people to participate in building a shared future, I can help you by discussing your ideas with you. If you are interested in using the Polis participation platform to create an impact or joining the community developing its open source code, you can contact me.