4UNI solution competition

Ended project: 10/2018 – 11/2018

Multidisciplinary student teams solved societal challenges by developing new business models in the 4UNI solution competition. Sitra was one of the two challenge issuers with a circular economy theme.

What was it about?

The project was part of the Circular economy teaching for all levels of education package implemented between 2017 and 2019. Sitra’s vision was that all graduates should understand what the circular economy means from the point of view of their work and day-to-day life, and what decisions and actions they can take to promote the circular economy. The aim was to increase expertise in the circular economy in Finland by extensively developing circular economy training, materials, concepts and co-operation from different points of view for all levels of education. More than 50 educational institutions, organisations and businesses took part in the package.

What was achieved?

Seven teams made it to the finals, with Mätsi chosen as the winner. Mätsi’s solution was a game-like application in which a young person can design their occupation by responding to questions and “matching” with a working adult. The young person can read their matches’ career stories, and the adult could also act as the young person’s mentor in the game, for example. With the game, young people can find inspiring and boundary-crossing career stories and better find their place in working life.

Who was involved?

Sitra funded the project, and the people responsible for the project at Sitra were Nani Pajunen. Helsinki Think Company implemented the project.


Senior Lead, Programmes

What's this about?