Biogas ecosystem in Central Finland

Biogas is one of the solutions needed in a carbon-neutral circular economy. We looked at what kind of ecosystem can be built around biogas in the transport, energy and industrial sectors in a rural area of Central Finland.


Closed project: April to September 2016

Sitra studied how to use biogas as a source for growth in Finland. The aim was to create the prerequisites necessary for the increased use of biogas in Central Finland in the fields of transport, energy and industry, in order to create a biogas-based future for the rural areas.

The project explored the opportunities provided by biogas business ecosystems. Although the project focused on Central Finland, it also provided other regions with examples of how they too can promote the biogas business.

By drawing on the diverse production and use of biogas in Central Finland, the project strengthened the region’s biogas business ecosystem. It was also closely linked to the work of the Fisu Network.

What was achieved?

The project gathered practical examples from the city of Jyväskylä on the use of biogas in transport, providing the basis for other municipalities’ competitive bidding processes for public transport. Regional companies were sought that could use biogas in place of fossil fuel energy solutions, and several companies around Finland were interested. From Central Finland, two companies were identified: Jyväskylä Energy Group, which uses biogas from waste pits in the production of electricity and heat; and Perttula Farm, which uses biogas for heating.

We created a credible example of a well-functioning regional biogas ecosystem and studied the possibilities for developing further opportunities for using biogas in rural communities. We also developed a regional road map for biogas production and use in rural areas, while taking account of the location of raw materials and production in relation to where biogas and recycled nutrients are used.

The project finished in October 2016. The example set by Central Finland clarified the development measures and investments that are needed to create a well-functioning biogas ecosystem that works in urban and rural areas alike.

Who participated?

The project was implemented in close co-operation with the Regional Council of Central Finland. The work was based on the report Biokaasu Keski-Suomessa 2015 (Biogas in Central Finland 2015, available in Finnish only) and the City of Jyväskylä’s work on resource wisdom. It also represented a continuation of Sitra’s partnership with the City of Jyväskylä.


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Communications and Public Affairs Lead, Global Circular Economy

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