Circular economy workshops for vocational and entrepreneurship education

Ended project: 7/2017 – 4/2019

The project developed a circular economy and entrepreneurship game for vocational educational institutions and supplementary training on the circular economy for teachers. Moreover, the circular economy was incorporated into the training programmes of Sykli, Sakky and Omnia.

What was it about?

The project was part of the Circular economy teaching for all levels of education package implemented between 2017 and 2019. Sitra’s vision was that all graduates should understand what the circular economy means from the point of view of their work and day-to-day life, and what decisions and actions they can take to promote the circular economy. The aim was to increase expertise in the circular economy in Finland by extensively developing circular economy training, materials, concepts and co-operation from different points of view for all levels of education. More than 50 educational institutions, organisations and businesses took part in the package.

What was achieved?

The project produced the circular economy and entrepreneurship game Circula, suited to students and teachers of vocational educational institutions and customers of the Junior Achievement Finland programmes in vocational upper secondary education. Circula is also suited for the higher grades of comprehensive school, upper secondary and university of applied sciences education.

In the game, the students develop circular economy ideas and learn to understand the circular economy from the point of view of business and consumption, and they obtain teamwork skills and resources for developing their own business ideas and becoming entrepreneurs.

The project involved five teacher training sessions, familiarising teachers from different educational levels and disciplines with using the Circula game in teaching. The teacher training took place in Jyväskylä, Helsinki, Oulu, Tampere and Turku. In addition, Omnia and Sakky teachers were trained. A total of 93 teachers took part in the teacher training.

Moreover, the project developed the project parties’ own circular economy education:

With the Circula game workshops, training and events, the project involved a total of some 1,710 teachers, students and representatives of other stakeholders.

Start using the Circula game at your school for free.

Who was involved?

Sitra funded the project, and the people responsible for the project at Sitra were Riitta Silvennoinen and Nani Pajunen. The project was co-ordinated by SYKLI Environmental School of Finland. The project partners included Espoo municipal education and training consortium Omnia, Savo municipal education and training consortium Sakky and Junior Achievement Finland. In addition, expert support was provided by energy efficiency consultancy Green Coal Mining Oy.


Senior Lead, Programmes

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