Maisema Helsingistä

The purpose of the Helsinki Region Infoshare project is to make regional data available to residents, companies, organisations and other interested parties. The project parties include the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen, Forum Virium Helsinki and Sitra. The project is coordinated by City of Helsinki Urban Facts.

The project aims to make regional information quickly and easily accessible to all. The information is provided for the use of citizens, businesses, universities, research institutions and local governments and may be used freely and at no cost.

Making public data available increases the residents’ knowledge and understanding of the region’s development. Access to open and transparent information improves the residents’ opportunities for participation and civic activity. Open access to regional data may also lead to the establishment of new services and new business, and help advance research and development.

The project includes building a web service through which end users can find, download and utilise information. In the project, different parties are encouraged to develop new services and applications based on open data. The purpose of the project is also to document the practices related to making data public and to disseminate them more widely. The implications of open data activity to current data providers and administrators are also being studied, as well as how opening data promotes cooperation between municipalities and different local government offices. 

Further information on the project 

Helsinki Region Infoshare project website
Helsinki Region Infoshare on Facebook
City of Helsinki website
Forum Virium Helsinki website
Smarter Cities Challenge
Helsinki Region Infoshare – 2 vuotta avointa dataa (2 years of open data, in Finnish, 29.4.2013)

See also Niina Uusi-Autti: The Management and Development of Innovation Networks – Case Helsinki Region Infoshare (Master’s thesis, University of Lapland, 2011). Further information on the project can also be by conducting a Google search.

Contact persons

Asta Manninen, Director, City of Helsinki Urban Facts, tel. +358 9 169 3125, 

Ville Meloni, Project Manager, Helsinki Region Infoshare project, Forum Virium Helsinki, tel. +358 400 260 000,

Current issues
Press release of Helsinki city 6 June 2013: Helsinki Region open data service wins EU:s prize for innovation
Press release 14 March 2011: Helsinki becomes an IBM Smarter Cities Challenge grant recipient
Press release 18 August 2010: Helsinki City statistics opened for re-use

Contact us

Marja Pirttivaara
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes