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Tulevaisuuden kotitalous -hanke käynnistyi

In the “Household of the future” project, families and households based in the Central Finland region get to experience what a resource-wise lifestyle would be like. The project is seeking and testing new ways of reducing material footprints – in practice, this means reduced consumption of natural resources.

The Earth’s resources are being depleted and climate change is progressing, but what impact will these phenomena have on everyday life in Central Finland and what kinds of local services are needed to enable sustainable lifestyles? Co-ordinated by Sitra, the Household of the future project aims to answer this question.

Five households from the Jyväskylä region were selected for the project, based on their willingness to try out a lifestyle of the future in practice. The goal is to demonstrate the households’ resource use and identify ways of reducing it in concrete terms.

The project will involve employing various services designed to enable a sustainable lifestyle. These include car sharing, home delivery, space efficiency, sustainable and affordable modes of transport, and new sources of protein. The services to be included will be jointly determined by the households involved and people with expertise in measuring material footprints.

The pilot project will involve measuring the households’ material footprint, i.e. their natural resource consumption, and using it to create a sustainability strategy for achieving each of the target material footprints. The households’ carbon footprint will be monitored in parallel with the material footprint. Each group of participants will then be presented with key measures to test. After the project has ended, the participants will enter into discussions with the city, service providers and other parties on ways to increase sustainable solutions for wider use.

The Household of the future pilot project is being implemented in 2014, as part of the Towards Resource Wisdom entity led by Sitra and the City of Jyväskylä.

Follow the discussion on Facebook by liking the Resource Wisdom page, and on Twitter: #householdofthefuture and #resourcewisdom

Learn more about the participating households (in Finnish):

Keinonen and Simola: Kimppakämppiksiä yhdistää liikkuminen
Laukkariset: Kyläelämää lasten ehdoilla
Pehkoset: Koko perhe pyörän päällä
Suomi and Vihinen: Työkiireitä ja luonnon rauhaa
Vartia: Työmatkoja maan päällä ja ilmassa

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