IHAN pilot projects have implemented experiments promoting a fair data economy.


In the pilot projects, the partners built technical solutions based on the principles of the IHAN operating model. The principles are described in the IHAN Blueprint. The output from the pilot projects helps to build services making people’s everyday lives easier based on sharing data with their consent. After a project has finished, the solutions created by it will be made openly available on the ihan.fi testbed.

We implemented the call for funding applications as part of Sitra’s IHAN® – Human-Driven Data Economy focus area, which will run until 2021. The first projects started in 2018. The last pilot projects ended in autumn 2020.

Projects in progress

Self-collected well-being data to Kanta service (personal health record in Finland)

The main objective is to get the data flowing, in a way where people are in full control over the well-being and health data they generate. People control how they share their data with healthcare organizations and under which terms it can be used there. They also get to choose when, how, and by whom their data is being used for research and other purposes.

Sitra’s funding for the project will end in December 2020.
Project participants: Sensotrend, Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Finnish insitute for health and welfare, THL, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland

Finished projects

Digital identity standard for music makers

The MyCelia project defines a new digital identity standard for music makers. MyCelia speeds up the trickle of money to artists from many streams and by allowing the building of new services. The output from the project is the MyCelia Passport, a digital container for holding and managing the artist’s profile information, IDs, works, acknowledgements and networking details. The IHAN project contributed to the launching of the MyCelia project.

Sitra’s funding for the project ended in spring 2020.
Project parties: MyCelia

Mobile wallet for identity management

The objective of the project was to build a next-generation Minerva mobile wallet, enabling people to manage their various electronic identities and related sources of data in the future. The IHAN project supported the implementation of the first stage of the solution.

Sitra’s funding for the project ended in spring 2020.
Project participants: : Lab10c, DanubeTech

Blood glucose measurement and data sharing for children with diabetes

The project focused on building an ecosystem that allows parents to authorise the use of their children’s health data by schools and youth sports teams, for example. The first stage focused on the implementation of a technical solution for authorisation management.

Project parties: The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS), CGI and the Population Register Centre.

Using an athlete’s personal data in coaching

The project tested the comprehensive use of top athletes’ personal data in coaching. The objective was to provide top athletes and coaching teams with a solution for collecting, storing and analysing data that influences performance. At the same time, Finnish sports research is being developed to be more data-driven and top-level national sporting directors will get a better view of the athletes’ overall situation.

Sitra’s funding for the project ended in summer 2020.
Project parties: Finnish Olympic Committee, Polar, Tieto

Using the well-being data of conscripts to boost physical condition

The data platform created in the project offers a secure place for collecting data about factors that influence the performance of conscripts. The project collects and uses data measured by individuals as well as data on well-being and behaviour, all with the consent of the pilot project participants. A model was developed for the authorisation and usage procedures related to well-being data. The model can be used in different areas, such as healthcare, well-being at work and basic education.

Sitra’s funding for the project ended in spring 2020.
Project parties: Finnish Defence Forces, Tieto, Suunto

Consent management solution

The project trialled a new kind of consent management solution (BB Consent) that allows the reliable transmission of identity-related data to various service providers. For example, it allows students to prove they are eligible for a discount on insurance premiums. The data is transmitted from their educational institution to the insurance company via the application with the student’s consent. The IRMA (”I Reveal My Attributes”) application is being tested in the Netherlands.

Project parties: Innovalor and Schluss

Solution for electronic identification

In the first stage of the Sandbox of Trust project, new tools for electronic identification for Finland were built. The SisuID solution is applicable for use in both the public and private sectors. The solution may make life for ordinary people easier amid the digitisation of society and improve Finland’s competitiveness in international markets.

Project parties: Nixu, Vastuu Group (formerly Suomen Tilaajavastuu) and Digital Living International

Component for consent management

The Fairdrop project developed a technical component for a consent receipt management tool that can be used in services based on IHAN principles. The solution marks a major improvement in the users’ ability to control the authorisation of the use of their personal data. In addition to the traditional authorisation mechanism, the application also provides a more dynamic method of viewing previous authorisations and managing their content.

Project parties: DataFund

Data collection solution for a network

The project examines whether pharmacies can act, with the patient’s consent and using strong identification, as trusted collectors of information that flows between patients, controllers and the pharmaceutical industry. It has been difficult to obtain self-monitoring data from patients for use in drug research. Online respondent recruitment used to result in most people failing to finish surveys once they were asked for their personal ID number. A reliable platform was needed for data collection. The data collection solution based on strong identification was integrated with Oriola’s electronic research portal, providing patients with a secure and transparent way of participating in studies.

Project parties: Oriola, Farenta, Suomen Tilaajavastuu, Nixu, Kronas Apotek.


The project aimed to improve the conditions and resource efficiency of food production with the help of digitisation. IoT sensors at farms produce a lot of data that can be linked to the farmer’s identity. The data can be used securely in a network based on block chain technology in the data management applications. The applications featured in the project used location data from images with drones and data from fuel tank and soil sensors. Launching production activity will require a suitable company as a partner.

Project parties: DataSense, Soficta, Toivon Tila (farm), the city of Salo

Using health data abroad

The project (My Travel Health, Tokyo 2020) piloted the convenient and reliable use of health data recorded in Finland wherever an international traveller might need to use healthcare services. The continuation of the project to the production stage will be dependent on the completion of legislation.

Project parties: Fujitsu, Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland), Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

AI transparency

The project created a common model for city and state government organisations for informing people about artificial intelligence. The aim of the project was to promote people’s trust in the AI projects of the participating organisations through participatory development and identification of common practices. The model combines ethical, legal, technical and civic engagement aspects.

Project parties: City of Espoo, Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland), Ministry of Justice and Saidot Ltd.


Find out more about our pilot projects.

A hand holding a mobile phone.
Kuvituskuva: ihmisiä pöydän ääressä, yllä matkapuhelin, josta lentää ykkösiä ja nollia.
Kuvituskuva: kuva uutistekstistä kännykän ruudulla
Kuvituskuva: hiihtäjä
Collage illustration of a person holding their arm with a bandaid on it
Photo: Sitra


Juhani Luoma-Kyyny
Juhani Luoma-Kyyny
Jyrki Suokas

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