IHAN – proof of concept pilots
We create common European level rules in our new focus area, as well as solutions for an ecosystem of human-oriented exchange of information. As regards co-operation partners, we are looking for projects that develop solutions based on a human-driven and fair data economy. The call for applications ended 31 December 2018.
Information is a renewable resource exploitable by everyone. Exchange of information is fair, since individuals administer the data collected about them, and the exchange of data is based on common, fair principles. New kinds of services have also emerged around data, which has made people’s everyday lives easier, smarter and, above all, happier!
Now there’s a description of the future worth investing in!
As regards co-operation partners, we are looking for both individual applicants and broad cooperation networks that develop solutions based on a human-oriented and fair data economy. The pilot project should include both the new models for data exchange and the technical solutions supporting them.
We are implementing the call for funding applications as part of Sitra’s IHAN® – Human-Driven Data Economy focus area, which will run until 2021. Under the focus area, we will organise several calls for funding applications, specifying the selection criteria, application periods and other details separately for each call. The new application criteria will be published on our website. We can fund pilot projects selected through the application process until March 2021 at the latest.
The call for funding applications was open until the end of 2018, and its goals, criteria and other details are described below.
All funding applications are handled as they arrive. Projects will be funded as a first come, first served basis. Concerning the technical components, the application form was updated 3 December 2018. This has no effect on the criteria or the contents.
What are we looking for?
Ideally there would be a business motivated project creating new services utilizing data with a consent. The project could implement these using traditional methods but we encourage implementing them according to IHAN requirements.
We are building an ecosystem for a fair data economy, together with citizens and different organisations. Our goal is to establish an ecosystem for a fair and functioning data economy. The main objectives are to create a method for data exchange and set up European level rules and guidelines for ethical use of data.
For IHAN® pilot projects we are seeking ongoing projects or projects that are ready for a quick launch from various sectors examining solutions related to technical requirements for human-driven data exchange, such as self-sovereign identities, data usage authorisations and data transmission. We particularly value different co-operation networks involving a wide variety of participants that already have an existing technical environment where IHAN® principles can be tested. The applicant may operate in sectors such as well-being, transport, agriculture or financing. Internationality is a major advantage, and project documentation is produced mainly in English.
We are looking for applicants prepared to engage in close collaboration and learning processes with other pilot projects, who can also commit themselves to working in close European wide workshops related to, for example, the development of a common standard and concept.
What do we expect from the applications?
We evaluate the applications based on the following criteria:
- Applicants: we are particularly seeking the kind of applicants operating in co-operation networks that involve various actors.
- Implementation phase of the project: we are looking for applicants belonging to already existing ecosystems, with whom we can advance quickly.
- User-oriented approach: the clear aim of the pilot project is to improve people’s everyday lives and opportunities for the management of their own information.
- Technical solution: the pilot project needs to solve technical software component issues related to IHAN® principles, specified more closely in the application form and IHAN Blueprint 2.0.
- Effectiveness: the pilot project aims to replace the current operating model, where an individual’s information is dispersed in the depths of various data storages owned by different systems and companies, with a human-oriented and fair exchange of data.
- Visionary approach: the pilot project is aimed at the future and has a “novelty value”.
- Feasibility: the applicant must have sufficient competence and, if necessary, a functioning subcontractor network for the development, launch and establishment of a feasible and economically sound solution. Please note, that all pilots are required to collaborate to technical workshops during the project.
- Repeatability: the lessons learned from the pilot project and feasible solutions should also be able to be used in other sectors and scaled up.
- Continuity: the application demonstrates the applicant’s strong commitment, resources and plans for the continuation of the operations after the project is over.
- Transfer of intellectual property rights: the applicant is prepared to transfer intellectual property rights to the extent required by the pilot project, for example, in connection with the European wide workshops. This will be discussed in details during the funding agreement negotiations.
- Other criteria: in addition to the criteria listed above, the pilot project meets the technical and other similar criteria to be specified in the application form.
How to apply?
Who can apply?
We fund applicants who may operate in the public, private or the third sector.
If the applicant belongs to a co-operation network, Sitra will finance every applicant member of the co-operation network separately, making a separate agreement with each individual member.
If the applicant is a company or otherwise engaged in an economic activity, it must be eligible for receiving the funding as de minimis aid (Commission Regulation 1407/2013 on de minimis aid).
The stages of the call for funding applications
The call for funding applications has four phases:
- In the first phase, the applicant fills in the application form (Sitra IHAN-pilot project plan, the maximum length of the application: 5 pages) that must be submitted to Sitra at the email address ihan@sitra.fi by 31 December 2018. The applications will be handled on a first come, first served basis. You will get a confirmation message. Sitra will inform the applicants whether they have been selected to engage in further discussions.
- In the second phase, Sitra will arrange a meeting with the applicants selected to continue the process, where the details of potential funding will be discussed (goals, schedule, resources, etc.).
- In the third phase, Sitra will evaluate which projects it will fund based on the application form and the common discussion.
- In the fourth phase, those selected to continue the process will prepare a specified project plan to serve as a basis for the funding agreements between Sitra and the applicants.
Sitra will evaluate the project applications in the light of the selection criteria and will decide on their basis which projects it will fund. To support the decision-making process, Sitra may also request statements on the applications from external experts, but these statements are not binding on Sitra.
Further information
IHAN® technical webinar on 18 June 2018 (materials).
More information: ihan@sitra.fi
Processing of personal data
An applicant participating in the call for funding applications is responsible for ensuring that it is entitled to disclose the personal data of the contact persons identified in the application form to Sitra for the purpose of implementing the project in accordance with the funding application. The personal information provided in the funding application is used for communication related to the call for applications. The collected personal data will be processed in accordance with the Privacy policy for the Finnish Innovation Fund’s (Sitra) interest group and marketing register. In addition, the above mentioned personal data of the applicants’ contact persons will be processed while preparing and handling the financing agreement of the applicants to be selected.