Finnish road map to a circular economy 2016-2025

The world’s first national road map to a circular economy was published in autumn 2016. The road map’s second edition updates Finland’s plans to reform its economic model to ensure successful sustainability.


Results of the work


Finland aims to become a global pioneer in a world in which our economic competitiveness and well-being can no longer be based on the wasteful use of natural resources. Rather than offering products, the foundation for earnings will be services, the recycling of products and intelligence-based digital solutions. Finland has a golden opportunity to become a pioneer and shift the focus of competitiveness to a carbon-neutral circular economy and low-emission solutions.

Finland was the first country in the world to prepare a national road map to a circular economy in 2016, under the leadership of Sitra. Just like the first road map, the updated version published in March 2019 also includes descriptions of the essential circular economy measures to which Finnish stakeholders have already committed themselves. There are measures under way in state administration, towns and cities, business life and the everyday lives of Finnish people. The road map includes almost 30 new actions. In addition, the road map presents measures that still require implementing but which do not yet fall under the responsibility of any particular organisation.

What do we do?

The road map to a circular economy is the result of efforts made across the entire country. It compiles the key operators’ views on the essential changes and actions required for the transition to a circular economy. Sitra is responsible for the creation of the road map and the compilation of its results.

The publication includes the most effective circular economy measures and solutions that Finland proposes in order to tackle the challenges of climate change, the depletion of natural resources and urbanisation. Road map 2.0 updates the solutions and hones the vision and strategic objectives.

Read more about the road map to a circular economy 2.0 here and find the first version here. If you need more concise information, you can download a summary of the road map 2.0 (PDF) or slides (Slideshare). You can also download infographics regarding the life cycle of materials.

Who is involved?

In 2016, the road map was constructed in close co-operation with government ministries, as well as almost 50 other representatives from the public, private and third sectors. For the second version of the road map, Sitra gathered 350 ideas and comments from stakeholders, organised six events for stakeholders and interviewed 25 specialists from different sectors. A draft of the road map was available on the service between October and November 2018, and all Finnish people were welcome to leave their comments.

Where are we now?

During the two years following the publication of the original road map, the circular economy has established itself in the public discourse in Finland and materialised at a practical level as concrete actions. Sitra’s work with the circular economy has continued intensively and extensive co-operation has led to its ambitious implementation. Sitra published the Finnish road map to a circular economy 2.0 in March 2019.

What have we achieved?

The original road map was created between March and September 2016, and it included six key projects and dozens of pilots, which kick-started Finland’s transition to a circular economy. Good progress has been made in the implementation of the road map’s measures, and the road map is regarded as a good way to formulate the actions required to become a pioneer. Read more about the results in this article.

Sitra has also published a guide that collects our learnings for countries on how to create a circular economy road map and and collaborated with UN organisations to compile a digital toolbox and user guide called Building Circularity into Nationally Determined Contributions.

For its part, Sitra has invested in the promotion of the circular economy and launched dozens of experiments described in more detail here. The road map has been recognised abroad, as indicated by the award given to Sitra at The Circulars Awards.

How can I get involved?

The shift to a circular economy and the formulation of road map 2.0 require action by all of us. Find your role in road map 2.0, learn more about the vision and measures, and do your bit for the circular economy!


Programme Director, Sitra International Programmes
Senior Lead, Communications and Public Affairs
Senior Lead, Programmes
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes

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