Technological development and digitisation are rapidly changing our daily lives. This is why social structures and the services they provide must also be reformed.


This is what´s happening right now.


A lack of trust in data giants may wreck the hopes for a better digital future


The network model provides a structured approach to treatment paths


Health analytics would accelerate the move towards smart healthcare


Fair trade data – wishful thinking or a genuine business opportunity?


HIMSS and Health 2.0 take the most influential digital health conference to Finland


ICT&health: In Finland digitisation paths the way to the future of healthcare


Artificial intelligence-based systems help achieve better services and cost savings in the social and health sector


This is what we do in order to renew Finland


IHAN® project


Human-driven health


Well-being data


Public-sector leadership


Tools for social welfare and healthcare services


Funding of social welfare and healthcare services


In a rapidly changing world, the capacity for renewal is vital to both individuals and society as a whole. Right now, digitisation offers unprecedented opportunities for this.

We have been capable of renewal before. During the last century, Finland managed to rise from difficult times to become one of the world’s most successful societies, making significant reforms, such as in basic education and a comprehensive healthcare system.

Today, our capacity for renewal – which we seem to have lost amid the ever-accelerating pace of change – must be built up again. This cannot happen without new, trust-based partnerships, common, information-based goals and strengthening the involvement of people. And it certainly won’t happen without enthusiasm or inspiration.

The capacity for renewal theme is dedicated to the achievement of all these goals.

What do we do?

In recent years we have been involved in preparing the implementation of a new social welfare and healthcare reporting system, known as service packages. Service packages are specifically intended as tools for service administrators (regions) to use in making information-based decisions on the development of services.

We have also launched Soteuttamo, which is a concept aimed at social welfare and healthcare providers. Its goal has been to facilitate entirely new, cross-sectoral partnerships.

Sitra’s IHAN® project aims to build the foundation for a fair and functioning data economy. The main objectives are to create a method for data exchange and to set up European level rules and guidelines for ethical use of data.

What have we achieved?

Sitra has worked for over 10 years on projects involving the reform of social welfare and healthcare services and the entire social welfare and healthcare system.

We have also explored how the public administration steering and management system should be reformed in order to meet the needs of a rapidly digitising society. Also, our work in the use of well-being data for research, health and business will culminate in the end of 2018 with the completion of the Isaacus – Digital Health HUB project.

In recent years, we have promoted Finland’s capacity for renewal by, for example, introducing the groundbreaking data exchange layer concept, the youth work approach and information system Tajua Mut! (Get me!) and the Palvelutori concept for senior citizen services, as well as by promoting the drafting of the national genome strategy and creating the virtual clinic concept, which is unique even by international standards.


Ask, tell, comment!

Antti Kivelä
Pia Heikkurinen
Specialist, Sitra International Programmes
Jukka Vahti
Senior Lead, Foresight and Training