International programmes

Sitra is dedicated to addressing societal challenges that shape our world. Our international programmes work with partners to solve global challenges, enhance well-being and boost economic growth within earth’s carrying capacity.

YK:n ilmasto- ja luontokokoukset alkavat

What is at stake in the UN nature and climate negotiations? Ask Sitra’s experts!


Take the new Lifestyle Test and try a sustainable lifestyle


Tasked with building the future: this is how Sitra’s work is visible in Finland and in the everyday lives of Finnish people

Hand holding a mobile phone

PSLifestyle: Co-creating a Positive and Sustainable Lifestyle tool with and for European citizens

The globe, circles and leaves.

UNDP partners with Sitra to accelerate the circular economy


Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra undergoes renewal – focus on promoting economic growth and innovation


WCEF2024 Summary Report is here!


WCEF2024: Europe urgently needs a circular single market to safeguard economic security

circular solutions for nature

Circular solutions tackle biodiversity loss and unlock business growth – see Europe’s top 30 list

several famous buildings and monuments from Brussels assembled above the WCEF2024 logo

WCEF2024 hits Brussels on 15–18 April to turn circular visions into actions

A collage-like illustration of oil pumps and the money around them burning. The fire is put out by Manneke's Pisin Urtsa. There is a lot more money in front of the WCEF logo and the globe than there is around the oil pumps.

From COP28 to a circular world: Investments need to focus on the circular economy alongside renewables

Results of the work

Sitra boosts health sector development in Europe – harnessing data for quality healthcare


Strong determination to promote the safe use of health data in Europe

A man standing on a ladder is writing on a board Sitra's statement

Sitra’s statement on the draft for Finland’s digital compass

Picture of the news item on the website.

French EU Presidency boosts the use of health data in Europe – Sitra at the forefront

What is this about?

Sitra’s international programmes are a unique combination of diverse expertise, extensive international networks and agile operations. These enable us to contribute to solving global challenges, enhancing well-being both in Finland and worldwide, and accelerating economic growth within the limits of nature’s carrying capacity.

Sitra is a trusted partner in the EU and globally through targeted, collaborative, high-impact projects. Our international programmes operate mainly with external funding alongside Sitra’s funds. Our programmes build on the strengths from Sitra’s recognised work on foresight and societal training, agile pilots, studies, practical solutions and tools on versatile topics.

What are we doing?

Our current work focuses on addressing societal challenges that shape our world: sustainability transition, data and AI, democracy and polarisation, and economic growth.

Sustainability transition

Sitra is globally recognised for its though leadership in the circular economy and for organising the annual World Circular Economy Forum, a global platform for advancing circularity across the globe.

Driving the transition across the world

Global circular economy

The World Circular Economic Forum (WCEF) is an annual conference and a global community that advances the global circular economy through innovation, collaboration and sustainable practices. Since 2017, the WCEF has brought together thousands of people and hundreds of organisations from more than 168 countries. The circular economy is the only viable economic model that can help us build a fair and sustainable future for all. Each annual forum is funded jointly by Sitra and global partners. The next edition of the forum will take place in São Paulo, Brazil, in May 2025. 

Currently, we are preparing for the launch of the European Union Circular Economy Resource Centre which will facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges and partnerships between EU and third-country stakeholders, fostering the uptake of sound circular economy policies and business models worldwide. 

The PSLifestyle project inspires people to adopt positive and sustainable lifestyles across Europe and provides insights for policy making to support the transition. Based on Sitra’s lifestyle test and 100 sustainable deeds, the project has been a huge success with more than 1.5 million tests made in Finland alone. The renewed lifestyle test and personalised tools are available already in 9 EU countries and have been used more than 288,000 times. The project is co-funded by the EU Horizon 2020.

Publications on sustainability transition

Hand holding Sitra memorandum Putting nature at the heart of European Green Deal

Putting nature at the heart of the European Green Deal


The winning recipe for a circular economy


Tackling root causes


Carrots and Sticks


Sustainable growth with circular economy business models


The circular economy – a powerful force for climate mitigation


Growth-positive zero-emission pathways to 2050

Read more about Sitra’s work on the sustainability transition.

Data and AI

Sitra has contributed strongly to evolving data and artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives, in particular in the European Union and Finland, around topics such as industrial data, open source LLMs, domain specific LLMs for public administration together with Finnish ministries, innovation challenges in Regulatory Technology (automated compliance), digital product passports, misinformation, societal impacts of social media and other platforms, etc. Sitra is also a lead or partner in several EU-funded projects regarding the twin transition, health data and European data spaces in general.

Sitra is keen on working with international partnerships in the areas of data and AI to respond to the biggest challenges of our time.

Ensuring safe and effective use of health data

Future well-being solutions

TEHDAS2, a joint action funded by the European Union and member states, creates concrete guidelines and technical specifications for using health data in EU It aims for harmonised implementation of a new legislation called European Health Data Space which facilitates research, innovation and policymaking. The benefits of the secondary use of health data include providing better healthcare services and personalised care for people, thereby saving lives, increasing business opportunities for companies and saving costs for societies. The project involves 29 countries, is coordinated by Sitra and runs until December 2026. 

Valo brings together Nordic and Baltic countries. It offers them a platform to discuss and share experiences when planning and implementing the European Health Data Space regulation. The project also pilots the cross-border collaboration research in the Nordics. VALO is coordinated by Sitra and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

The Data Spaces Support Centre supports the creation and implementation of data spaces in Europe, enhancing data sharing and innovation across sectors. The joint project in which Sitra is a partner, runs until March 2026, is funded by the EU’s Digital Europe programme and coordinated by Fraunhofer Institute in Germany.  

Publications on data and AI


Digital Product Passports: catalysing Europe’s sustainable growth


Understanding the role of tokenisation in the data economy


Finland in the Race for Quantum Advantage


Ensuring European leadership in the data economy


Enabling the responsible use of technology at scale


A fair data economy and digital education would provide security for Europe in the era of information warfare


Generative AI pilot projects

Image: girl holding hands over her mouth and looking at a cookie in a hand

Sitra’s recent survey probes the secret life of data collected about us

Read more about Sitra’s work related to data and AI

Democracy and polarisation

Strengthening democracy and increasing citizen participation is one of Sitra’s focus areas. More specifically, we have experimented open-source civic technology solutions, such as the Polis collaborative platform. We have implemented regional and nation-wide Polis conversations together with Finnish regional and central authorities, and thus gained experience and an understanding of the current bottlenecks for citizens and the emerging “civic tech industry.”

Sitra is also contributing to the discussion on constitutional artificial intelligence (AI) and alignment assemblies for AI. There is an increasing trend of integrating AI in civic tech that also comes with great opportunities and risks.

We are contemplating new international actions with willing partners.

Read more about Sitra’s work on democracy and polarisation


Here is what we are currently working with.

World Circular Economy Forum WCEF

The World Circular Economy Forum WCEF

Kädessä kännykkä, jonka näytöllä lukee PSLifestyle.



Second joint action Towards the European Health Data Space – TEHDAS2


Value from Nordic health data – VALO


Data Spaces Support Centre

Previous results

Still relevant.


A circular economy


Well-being solutions

A crowd of people

Polis platform experiments

Globe, star and some text

Leadership training for the future EU


Roadmap for a Fair Data Economy

Text Health data 2030 on top of the Europe's map.

Health data 2030

A robot under a big tree

Gaia-X Finland

Contact us

If you’re looking for a world-class team and are willing to co-finance, get in touch with us!

Kristo Lehtonen
Director, Sitra International Programmes
Anna Pulli
Assistant, Sitra International Programmes
Kari Herlevi
Programme Director, Sitra International Programmes
Markus Kalliola
Programme Director, Sitra International Programmes
Anu Mänty
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes
Ilkka Räsänen
Senior Advisor, Sitra International Programmes
Heikki Aura
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes
Tuula Sjöstedt
Specialist, Sitra International Programmes
Riikka Pohjankoski
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes