Stop shouting! Timeout offers an opportunity to pause and consider things in peace. On this page, you can find tools and inspiration for facilitating a constructive discussion. The tools are available for everyone to use. Read more about Timeout here.
Tools for the planning and implementation of a constructive discussion, and tips for afterwards. Browse through the tools below and try them out in practice!
Go ahead and try!
Prepare yourself and guide.
Things to do in a difficult situation
Prepare yourself and guide.
Hey, we get it now!
Wrap it up and learn.
Here are some tips given by experienced facilitators for tough situations and for self-development as a conversationalist.
Read more about Timeout discussions here (in Finnish).
What’s Timeout about?
Timeout is a new way to generate and have constructive discussions. On these pages, you can find practical tools for planning and generating public discussion, conversation on the need for dialogue and peer support in the shape of other people’s learning experiences.
You can use Timeout whenever a deeper understanding of the topic or an equal encounter is required – for instance, as a part of preparations, decision-making or bringing different people together. However, dialogue does not fit in all situations, and it should not be confused with negotiations or decision-making. Instead, use dialogue as part of the above when there is a need to better understand the topic or the field of operation.
Timeout offers an opportunity to pause and consider things in peace. The tools help you invite the ones who do not usually take part in conversations.
With the tools you can practice how to facilitate a dialogue with small steps. As your experience grows, you can become a dialogue expert! You do not have to understand everything at once. Get the hang of a few guiding measures first, and expand your knowledge one dialogue at a time. There is no reason to have cold feet, as anybody can learn.
A Timeout discussion has been successful when an equal encounter and mutual trust have been created, and the participants’ understanding of the topic has grown.
Timeout breeds a feeling of inclusion between the participants and in societal inclusion in general. Moreover, it provides a deeper understanding of the topic in question and of different perspectives. At best, it generates unpredictable insights and new thinking. The goal is not unanimity.
Work on your own plan for facilitating a discussion by going through the parts of your choice!
You can join in the discussion on Timeout, dialogue and participation in the Timeout Facebook-group (in Finnish).
Timeout has been created together with various organisations and experts by trying out different methods all around Finland in 2017. The development work continues in 2018. You can read more about the thinking of the group of 20 people coaching the development of Timeout in Finnish in the publication Dialogin vuoro [Dialogue’s turn].
Organising a discussion?
Contact the Timeout team!
There is no discussion without planning!
Start, prepare and invite.