The problems facing healthcare include disparities between service users and a lack of customer orientation, co-ordination, incentives and transparency in costs and quality. The existing system focuses on the treatment of diseases, but not health promotion.




The problems facing healthcare include disparities between service users and a lack of customer orientation, co-ordination, incentives and transparency concerning quality and costs. The existing system focuses on the treatment of diseases, but not health promotion.

Sitra is tackling these problems from a service user standpoint. In our projects, we provide information to support the reform of social welfare and healthcare funding on a customer-oriented basis, taking future needs into consideration. Our goal is to increase individuals’ opportunities for influencing healthcare services, as well as to ensure equal treatment for users of social welfare and healthcare services.

Measures are taken to encourage people to take more responsibility for their own well-being and that of their family. Projects are used to increase the number of measures and incentives that support client-oriented approaches.

What do we do?

In 2017, we will be involved in preparing the implementation of a new social welfare and healthcare reporting system – service packages. Service packages are specifically intended as tools for service administrators (regions) to use in making information-based decisions on the development of services.

Who participates?

The reporting system, which is based on service packages, has been under development by hundreds of top Finnish social welfare and healthcare experts from different organisations. Development work was done in close co-operation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

Piloting of the service packages was done in over 50 municipalities and was the most extensive pilot project in Sitra’s history.

Where are we now?

The project for funding social welfare and healthcare services was launched at the beginning of 2014 and will run until the end of 2017.

What did we achieve?

At the beginning of 2016, we carried out our own service package pilot projects. With the service packages piloted in over 50 municipalities, social welfare and healthcare service costs and transactions can be reported and steered transparently, as well as compared on a national level.

In order to obtain an overall picture, it is essential to analyse costs and transactions that cross the boundaries of basic healthcare, social care and specialist medical care. You can read about the project results here (in Finnish).

In co-operation with the Geography Research Unit of the University of Oulu, we have also conducted a unique service network survey, in which social welfare and healthcare services (excluding dental care) have been mapped for the first time. In addition to this, we have also examined  the fragmentation of current care paths, hidden opportunities for optimising our social welfare and healthcare system and the number of times the funding provider for the treatment of a hip surgery patient changes during the care process (all links in Finnish).


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Eveliina Huurre
Senior Lead, Programmes
Eero Vaissi
Heikki Lukkarinen
Specialist, Programmes
Karoliina Ohrankämmen
Tiina Peltola
Senior Lead, Foresight and Training

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