Future makers

Shaping the future is a skill that can be developed. Bringing about changes in society requires more people to talk about the future, develop their future-related skills and imagine alternative futures. The project ended in December 2022.

Futures Frequency

A workshop method for building alternative futures.

Kuvassa patsas ja teksti Futures frequency

Futures Frequency

Kuvassa patsas ja teksti Futures frequency

Futures Frequency – a new workshop method for building alternative futures

Kuvassa käsi ja Futures frequency käsikirja

Futures Frequency – Workshop facilitator’s handbook

Kuvassa Jenna Lähdemäki-Pekkinen ja Hannu Ikäheimo

Shaping the future is a skill that can be developed

Kuvituskuva, jossa kuumailmapalloja ja patsas

Introducing the Future Makers’ international advisory group

Hand holding Cards of Hope game

New game published: Cards of Hope encourage imagining better futures  


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Guest writer

The Foresight Happy Hour

Kuvassa käsi ja julkaisun kansi

Future-oriented thinking as a civic skill


Hopeful futures in a time of hopelessness

Kuvassa patsas ja teksti Futures frequency

The future is ours to see


Partnership programme supporting use of the Futures Frequency method

Kuvassa patsas ja teksti Futures frequency

Futures Frequency – a new workshop method for building alternative futures

Kuvassa käsi ja Futures frequency käsikirja

Futures Frequency – Workshop facilitator’s handbook

Kuvituskuva, jossa kuumailmapalloja ja patsas

Introducing the Future Makers’ international advisory group


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Kuvassa Jenna Lähdemäki-Pekkinen ja Hannu Ikäheimo

Shaping the future is a skill that can be developed

What was it about?

The journey towards a society based on the limits of Earth’s carrying capacity requires a large group of reformers – people, organisations, all of us.

To build a better tomorrow, we need more people to discuss the future, imagine alternative futures and take action towards a desirable future. Shaping the future is a skill that can be developed!

The Future Makers project combined, developed and teached future-oriented thinking and change-making skills.

The project aimed to bring together and popularise future-oriented thinking and change-making skills. Change makers have always also been futurists. They have had the courage to question things and imagine scenarios that have not yet happened. The project aimed to reach individuals and collectives that wish to develop these skills in their respective organisations and networks.

What did we do?

The project began in spring 2020. Assembled through an open search, the development team served as a sparring partner in spring 2020 for Sitra’s team charged with conceptualising and developing a workshop method that combines future-oriented thinking and change-making skills. The work was also supported by an international team of specialists. The result of the development effort was Futures Frequency, a method for imagining and shaping alternative futures. The method was published in January 2021 for open use by all interested parties and, during the spring, we organised facilitator training events for people interested in taking advantage of Futures Frequency. We also issued the publication Influence the Future, which focuses on future-oriented thinking and change-making.

The Futures Frequency workshop method is available for use by anyone. It does not require previous experience or competence related to future-oriented thinking. The complete materials and instructions for facilitating a Futures Frequency workshop are available online.

Throughout 2022 Sitra supported ten teams to use the Futures Frequency method. The teams were from different parts of Finland and use the method in relation to such areas as zoning, foster care, village development and church social work. Read more about the teams here (in Finnish).

In addition, a card game called “Hyvät kortit” (Cards of Hope) was launched in 2022, encouraging all future-minded people to create hopeful visions of the future. The game shows that talking about the future need not be deadly serious but can be creative and fun.

The project ended in December 2022.

Who were involved?

We worked with a wide range of groups, communities and organisations that are interested in developing future-oriented thinking and change-making skills.


Please call us!

Lilli Poussa
Specialist, Foresight and Training
Mikko Dufva
Senior Lead, Foresight and Training
Anna Solovjew-Wartiovaara
Senior Lead, Communications and Public Affairs
Terhi Ylikoski
Specialist, Foresight and Training

What's this about?