We want services that make people’s everyday lives smoother and more convenient. Services must be developed with the customers.


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People-oriented development

Human focus means understanding the needs and everyday lives of people and being aware of cultural needs. Service development means getting better results with less effort. But the meaningful application of sustainable solutions also requires sensitivity.

People, cities, companies, organisations and communities creating services

Today’s community spirit is built through local operations that motivate people to participate in them. Citizens, companies and other players are actively involved.

Residents of a locality are involved in the development and organisation of services, making room for different phases in life. There will be more freedom of choice (e.g. the Village in a City project in Hämeenlinna). Services may also be produced together, like a modern village community (e.g. the New Old Village community project in Lahti).

Opening public information

Opening public data means that data produced using public funding is made available to all freely and with no charge. This will promote innovation and research and make citizens more active.

For example, applications making it easier to use public transport began to appear along with route information in the Helsinki region. The Helsinki Region Transport has released plenty of data to be used by such applications. This, in turn, has accelerated the creation of new services. See the application contest organised by Helsinki Region Transport or an example of applications.

Benefits of opening public information:

Helsinki Region Infoshare is an extensive project in which data is opened locally. The aim is to take the model to the rest of Finland and then abroad.

”Open data is today’s valuable natural resource with no scarcity issues. The more extensively data is used, the more valuable it becomes,” says Ville Meloni, project manager of Helsinki Region Infoshare, summing up the benefits of open data.

Quality from value-based service development

Value-based development is all about improving service quality with attention to people’s needs. When considering medical operations, for example, attention should not only be paid to the number of operations or their technical success, but also to whether the operation has improved the patient’s quality of life, and if not, how the situation could be remedied.

The Koukkuniemi 2020 project is an example of an attempt to create a multi-provider model that involves companies, the public sector and customers in the organisation of services. The project creates a community-based service production company and develops value-based procurement with focus on good life for the elderly; management is developed, the personnel empowered and an incentive system built.

Sitra’s activities in public leadership and management

Human-oriented service development is a focus of Sitra. The related projects are mostly funded in cooperation with municipalities.

Contact us

Marja Pirttivaara
Senior Lead, Sitra International Programmes
Specialist, Strategic Management Support and Legal Affairs
Kirsti Kaustara
Specialist, Communications and Public Affairs

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