To succeed, Finland needs a skilled population. What will be the strengths of Finland’s future education system?



Towards solving wicked problems – broad understanding of the problem and shared direction in multidisciplinary teams


A land of people who love to learn


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Painfully slow change


Could Finland become the number one exporter of vocational education and training?

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Finnish education is based on meeting yesterday’s standards

A toy car

Weekly notes – week 24: sustainability, well-being and the future of education

Oppilas kirjoittaa ideaa lapulle

Sitra starts educational experiments around Finland


259 applied, 30 were chosen: introducing the participants of the Forum for New Education

Iloisen värisiä lippuja

What does the future hold for the education sector?


From education challenges to a future vision

New Education Forum

Finns are proud of their education system, which is rated among the best in the world. However, the transformation of working life, digitalisation, growing inequality and multiculturalism, and globalisation pose challenges to the future of the education sector.

How might education and training respond to changing skill needs in the working life of the future? How can we foster educational equality and equal opportunities for all in education and training, in an increasingly polarised society? How can education be reformed in a student-oriented manner, while taking advantage of technology and setting our sights on the future? Instead of the traditional division into subjects, should the education system be based on a phenomenon-oriented approach? Will the education business be a future competitive advantage for Finland?

Sitra kicked off its fifth Synergise Finland forum in December 2014, with the theme New Education. The themes of the previous forums were New Work (2011), New Democracy (2011–2012), Sustainable Economy (2012–2013), and New Security (2013–2014). You can read more about Sitra’s education and training activities here.

The Synergise Finland forums bring together groups of opinion formers from all walks of life, ranging from grass-roots actors to political decision-makers. While learning from one another, they explore the structural and cultural changes required in Finland in connection with the forum theme. These forums involve practical experiments and actions aimed at solving the social problems identified.

Learn more about experimental culture:

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Contact us

Tapio Anttila
Hannele Laaksolahti
Senior Lead, Innovations
Päivi Hirvola
Senior Lead, Foresight and Training
Kalle Nieminen
Director, Innovations
Heli Nissinen
Senior Lead, Communications and Public Affairs

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