Reforming the decision-making process
The project aimed to accelerate the development of the public decision-making process towards silo-free joint action. The aim was also to strengthen the capacity for reform of representative democracy, the transparency of decision-making processes and increased opportunities for citizen influence. The project ended in July 2024.
What was it about?
Extensive societal engagement is a key starting point for the sustainable development and success of Finland. It requires systemic reform of the operating methods and structures of governance and decision-making.
The aim of the project was to accelerate the development of the public decision-making process towards silo-free joint action. In addition, the aim was to strengthen the capacity for reform of representative democracy and the transparency of decision-making processes.
One way to achieve these aims was to bring the different phases of the decision-making and legislative process closer to people. In practice, this could mean, for example, people having better opportunities to monitor and influence lawmaking in the different phases of the legislative process.
This would lower the threshold for participating in decision-making, strengthen trust and could also improve the quality of legislation. At the same time, decision-making could be developed to be more predictable and long-term.
What did we do?
Through different studies and projects, the project supported the parliament’s own reform work as well as the reform of the legislative processes across Parliament and the government.
The project also aimed to develop new ways for people to learn about, influence and engage in the decision-making taking place within representative democracy.
The project continued to promote the objectives of Sitra’s earlier Updating Democracy project (2018–2021). The project supported the reform of the operating methods of and co-operation between Parliament and the government, which will strengthen Finland’s position as a model country for democracy with capacity for reform.
Who was involved?
The reform work required Sitra to work closely with Parliament, the government and other parties in state administration. Co-operation with Finnish and international scholars and experts was also required.
The project was closely linked to Sitra’s democracy project and other activities included in the Democracy and Participation theme to promote the engagement of people and strengthen democracy.
Where are we now?
The project was launched in autumn 2018 as part of the Updating Democracy project and continued under the Democracy and Participation theme until June 2024. Sitra will continue to work with the government and the parliament to improve legislative processes.
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