Tomorrow’s economy

The economy is linked to almost everything in our society and daily life. Do we know how to examine tomorrow’s economy from sufficiently diverse and long-term perspectives?


What’s up?

The globe on the palm of a hand.
Kädessä kompassi, taustalla sininen taivas, tehtaiden piipussa puita ja aurinkopaneeli.

What is it all about?

Increasing inequality and the ecological sustainability crisis largely result from the weaknesses of the current economic system. Digitisation and the transformation of work are shaking the foundations of the economy, which is under increasing pressure to change. The Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine have underlined just how intrinsically the economy is linked to everything in society and our daily lives. The future of the economy is hazy and the public discussion on it is beset by tensions.

Cracks are showing in the foundation of the economy” is one of the megatrends in Sitra’s most recent Megatrends list, published in 2023. There is increasing unanimity on the need to reform the economy, but views on the objectives, the extent and the methods of the reforms vary.

What do we do?

We seek alternative directions for the future of the economy from a number of potential options. As part of Sitra’s foresight activities, our perspective is the long-term future of the economy.

Our aim is to identify change factors and potential development trends that can contribute to a fair, sustainable and competitive economy and increase awareness of alternative development trends. In particular, we want to support a diverse and constructive discourse on the economy of tomorrow. Our perspective on the topic is multisectoral and multidisciplinary. Our starting point is to interpret different development trends and identify operational needs together with stakeholders.

Who is involved?

One way or another, the economy is linked to all of Sitra’s activities. If you would like to hear more about our work, do not hesitate to contact us!

Contact us!

Give us a call.

Senior Lead, Foresight and Training
Specialist, Communications and Public Affairs